Oklahoma Teens Brutally Assault Homeless Man, Stream it Live on Social Media

3 mins read
homeless encampment - homeless man
Photo Credit: Grendelkhan, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Oklahoma police reported that a group of teens severely beat a homeless man, nearly killing him while they live-streamed the brutal assault on social media.

Homeless man almost beat to death by band of teenagers

The terrifying incident took place on at the end of May outside a gas station in Oklahoma City and was caught by security cameras.

The footage reportedly shows a group of teens shouting out of a vehicle at the homeless man, identified as Tilman Shannon. He attempted to flee after the harassment started, but the teenagers chased him down.

According to Oklahoma City Police Sgt. Dillon Quirk the unhinged group of nine teenagers viciously attacked Shannon by a dumpster outside the gas station.

The teens allegedly hurled racial slurs and expletives, as they viciously beat him. It got even worse for Shannon when one of the teenagers ripped his colostomy bag off of his torso and pulled his intestinal tract out with the medical device.

“What the **** is wrong with your stomach?” one of his attackers reportedly shouted at the time.

Shannon was taken to OU Medical Center to be treated for his laundry list of injuries and is expected to survive.

“He had some pretty severe injuries and pretty significant trauma,” Sgt. Quirk mentioned.

Police were able to identify Veronica Benavente as one of the attackers, based off of the video she live-streamed to social media.

Benavente and 18-year-old Eric Villagomez were taken into police custody for their alleged roles in the assault.

Three other juvenile suspects were also apprehended, while four others still remain at large.

Heartless homeless woman attempts to sell her child

Florida police arrested a homeless woman accused of attempting to sell her daughter to a teacher and horrifically offering her up to be sexually assaulted to a different person.

Members of the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office were called out to the downtown area in response to several calls about the 32-year-old woman’s truly terrible actions.

A kindergarten teacher reported that she was dropping off food donations at a nearby shelter when the woman allegedly offered to sell her 10-year-old daughter to her for $20.

“Take her with you. Give me $20, and you can have her,” the female suspect reportedly said.

Later, police spoke to a man who claimed that the same woman had offered to sell him sex with her daughter for $5. The man reportedly hadn’t contacted law enforcement until officers approached him.

Deputies said that the girl appeared lethargic, malnourished, neglected, and emotionally distraught when they took custody of her.

“The 10-year-old was crying, hungry, and looked like she had not bathed in days,” they said in a report about the incident.

The homeless woman was arrested on charges of selling or surrendering a minor for money or property, along with child abuse, which are both third-degree felonies.

The girl was taken to a hospital for treatment and later moved to an undisclosed safe location while the investigation continues.

“There are cases throughout the country of this kind of thing, and it focuses on the drug abuse part of it,” WJXT-TV’s safety analyst Tom Hackney said about the incident.

“They’re so desperate for the next hit they’ll sell anything. And here is a case this woman is willing to sell her own child.”
Authorities are still trying to find out if the woman tried to sell her daughter to anyone else.

The case has been referred to the State Attorney’s Office’s Special Assault Division, the Child Protection Team, the Florida Department of Children and Families, and the FBI.

Nearly naked homeless man crashes car into Florida jail

A homeless man, who was pant-less, allegedly rammed his car into the lobby of a Florida jail and then attacked a police officer last week.

The Martin County Sheriff’s indicated that the suspect “was not able to breach the inner steel security doors” and the lobby was empty at the time of the crash.

The suspect reportedly “poured motor oil on the [prison’s] lobby floor saying he wanted to set it on fire” and inexplicably tossed a bunch of rubber snakes onto the ground.

He also “fought with deputies and fire rescue personnel,” who arrived on scene, and said that “the devil” had told him to “kill everyone.”

Police identified the man as 40-year-old Joseph Leedy, who wore a woman’s shirt but no pants during the incident.

Leedy was taken down by officers and taken to a local hospital for evaluation, “where he continued to be uncooperative with personnel until he was taken back to the jail.”

Once in police custody, he was so unruly that they tried to sedate him with “multiple doses of ketamine,” but the drugs they assumed he was on at the time seemingly prevented him from sleeping it off.

He was charged with four counts of Aggravated Assault on a police officer and criminal mischief of over $1,000.

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