
A Villain Robbed A Texas Girl Scout While She Was Selling Thin Mints

2 mins read
Thin mints
Photo Credit: "Girl Scout Cookies" by Marit & Toomas Hinnosaar is licensed under CC BY 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/?ref=openverse.

A Girl Scout was robbed after spending all day of selling Thin Mints in front of a Texas Walmart.

Texas Girl Scout has her Thin Mints money stolen by crook

Around 2 o’clock in the afternoon on February 11th, a thief was caught on camera walking past the Girl Scouts’ cookie station, which was strategically positioned at the entrance of a Walmart in Fort Worth.

The store’s surveillance video showed a lone Girl Scout and an adult supervisor.

A shopping cart brimming with boxed cookies was stationed adjacent to the table.

As the brazen thief passed by the child’s sales table, he swiftly snatched their the bag full of the day’s proceeds, and took off into the store’s packed parking lot.

Both the Girl Scout and her adult helper seemed shocked as they watched the man disappear into the parking lot with their cash.

Police hope to identify man who made off Thin Mints cash

Officials from the Fort Worth Police Department are actively conducting a search for a male suspect estimated to be 18 to 24 years of age.

He was reportedly wearing with a gray hoodie and sported a black beanie when he swiped the cookie money.

According to Officer Brad Perez from the Fort Worth Police Department, he got away with $450, but the public reaction has given them hope.

“There have [been] people reaching out to the detective to see how they can help,” Perez said in a statement.

The local authorities have asked the public for assistance in identifying the individual responsible for the theft. They shared his photo online in an effort to see if anyone recognizes him.

“We are talking about a little girl here. A little girl trying to sell Girl Scout cookies,” Perez commented in disgust.

Mom arrested for putting her five-year-old to work

In a separate incident, Jasmine Moss, a 30-year-old from Memphis, Tennessee, faced charges stemming from child neglect – an arrest that came from bragging about how she put her 5-year-old daughter to work waxing clients.

Moss’s arrest came four days after local residents  lodged complaints to the Memphis Police Department about the pictures she posted her business’ Instagram page.

The social media content in question showed Moss’ daughter waxing the genital area of an adult female client.

The photos she shared also bragged about how hard she had been working the child, who had reportedly serviced a total of 24 clients in an eight hour period.

“When I say I’m passing down Deed & LLCs to my creations I mean that!” She boasted in the caption of the since deleted post.

However, the images ignited immediate controversy online, with numerous voices raising concerns over the child’s exposure to nudity in a workplace she shouldn’t have even been in.

Current investigations by both the Memphis Police Department and the Department of Child Services are ongoing.

Moss will appear in court on Wednesday, and has been held in jail without bond.

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