
Democratic National Convention 2024 Has Maggots For Breakfast And Armed Robbery

2 mins read
Chicago skyline: Democratic National Convention 2024
Photo Credit: "Chicago Skyline" by Sam Howzit is licensed under CC BY 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/?ref=openverse.

Chicago police and the FBI are looking into how several suspects managed to infiltrate a hotel hosting Democratic National Convention 2024 delegates in downtown Chicago, where they allegedly scattered maggots on breakfast tables.

Democratic National Convention 2024 maggot breakfast

Karen Tallian, an Indiana delegate and former state senator, said she was heading to breakfast at the Fairmont Hotel when she noticed two women hiding in the bathroom.

“And they ran out and threw maggots into the breakfast buffet,” she told USA Today.

According to a report, the Fairmont Chicago Hotel acknowledged the incident and said that an investigation is ongoing.

The Democratic National Convention Joint Information Center released a statement confirming that “multiple unidentified female offenders entered a building in the 200 block of N Columbus Drive on August 21, 2024, around 5:45 am and began placing unknown objects onto tables containing food.”

“The offenders are believed to have then left the area,” the statement added.

A witness said that that crickets were also placed on the tables, making it unclear if the food contamination involved only maggots, crickets, or both.

It’s still uncertain whether the contaminated food was consumed, but Chicago police said that one person had to be medically treated at the scene, but was then released on-site.

According to fellow Indiana delegate Bryan Lilienkamp, hotel staff quickly removed the contaminated breakfast items and replaced them with fresh food.

“We can confirm that a group of individuals caused a disruption at a DNC-related breakfast event at our hotel this morning,” a spokesperson for the Fairmont Chicago commented.

“We are grateful for the swift response of law enforcement. The safety, security, and well-being of our guests and staff are our top priorities.”

The FBI’s investigation is still ongoing and no arrests have been made yet.

Democratic National Convention 2024 armed robbery

In another incident directly linked to the DNC, a member of the Texas Democratic Delegation was reportedly robbed at gunpoint in downtown Chicago during the convention.

The 25-year-old victim was reportedly walking downtown at 2 a.m. CT on Wednesday when a dark blue Land Rover Discovery approached, and armed men in ski masks exited the vehicle.

The robbers also took the delegate’s room keys before heading across the street to rob another individual.

According to Chicago police, the suspects, armed with handguns, threatened to kill the victims while demanding their cell phones and wallets.

The attackers are suspected of being involved in a series of robberies throughout the city.

Chicago police described the assailants as two black males, wearing all black, who are between 5’7″ and 5’9″.

The CPD confirmed that a 25-year-old man was indeed robbed, although they could not confirm if the victim was a DNC delegate.

Police also stated that a 37-year-old man and a 40-year-old woman were robbed by the same suspects moments later. No injuries were reported.

Chicago crime index

Chicago crime is out of control, with the city dubbed America’s murder capital for the twelfth year in a row as of 2023.

617 people were murdered in Chicago last year, up by more than 200 victims since 2013, when 416 people were killed.

Additionally violent crimes, including assault, battery, violent robbery, and sexual assault, all spiked by 11.5% in 2023.

Unsurprisingly, arrest rates in the Democrat-led city dropped 33% in the last decade, with only 10% of criminals arrested out of the almost 30,000 violent crimes reported in 2023.

The weekend preceding the convention had 26 shootings, resulting in 30 victims, five of whom died.

On Monday, there were eight shootings with four fatalities. Tuesday saw five shootings involving 12 victims, including one death.

By Day 3 of the convention, there were nine shootings in Chicago, resulting in ten victims and one death on Wednesday.

Chicago Police Department Superintendent Larry Snelling said on Monday, “Our officers are out there, they’re out there, they’re highly visible.”

“We have officers not only along the corridors downtown, in and around the venues of the Democratic National Convention, but also in our neighborhoods to continue to protect our people who are living in areas that are the most vulnerable.”

1 Comment

  1. I think it’s FAR more important for the FBI to spend their time figuring out who, exactly, was behind the shooting of Donald Trump. They seem remarkably uncurious.

    Second in line: Jeffrey Epstein client list.

    You could make a two-day-long list of things more important than figuring out maggots.

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