
Los Angeles Bus Hijacked By Gunman Who Shot One Person

3 mins read
Los Angeles bus hijacked
Photo Credit: KTLA 5/YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHJYyD5Xtbk

Public transportation in downtown Los Angeles took a deadly turn early Wednesday when a city bus was hijacked by a gunman who shot and killed one passenger, sparking an hour-long police chase.

Los Angeles bus hijacked

The hijacking, which was reminiscent of the 1994 Keanu Reeves-Sandra Bulluck action flick “Speed,” ended with the gunman’s capture and the dramatic rescue of the bus driver and another passenger.

The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) responded to reports of the hijacking, after a city bus was taken over by an armed man, leading to a tense, but low-speed pursuit through the streets of downtown.

According to Deputy Chief Donald Graham, the bus came to a stop at Almeda and Sixth Street after police successfully deployed spike strips to disable the vehicle.

Shortly afterward, a SWAT team moved in, using a flash-bang device to disorient the hijacker and provide the opportunity for the driver and a remaining passenger to escape.

The bus driver, hailed as a hero, managed to maintain his composure during the ordeal, following emergency protocols designed to alert authorities.

The driver used the emergency panic button, which automatically displayed a ‘CALL 911’ message on the exterior of the bus, notifying nearby witnesses and officers of the situation.

The terrifying sequence of events began when the unidentified gunman boarded the bus and quickly took control, holding the driver at gunpoint.

It’s unclear what motivated the suspect to hijack the bus, but police believe the shooter killed one passenger before the chase ensued.

The identity of the victim, who was shot inside the bus and later died at a local hospital, has not been released, and investigators are still working to determine the events that led to the shooting.

Once the gunman had hijacked the bus, the driver was forced to continue operating the vehicle under extreme duress.

Hijacked bus led police on an hour-long chase

For nearly an hour, the bus traveled through downtown Los Angeles at a slow pace, trailed by numerous police vehicles. Officers deployed spike strips to bring the bus to a halt, and once it was immobilized, SWAT officers moved in to end the standoff.

SWAT teams deployed flash-bang grenades, creating a diversion that allowed the bus driver to escape through a window while SWAT officers rescued another passenger who was still aboard.

Fortunately, neither the driver nor the remaining passenger sustained serious injuries during the ordeal, though both were shaken by the experience.

Deputy Chief Graham lauded the bus driver’s calm demeanor throughout the incident.

“Clearly, he was under duress and under the threat of violence … for him to be able to keep his composure is a reflection on the bus operators in the system,” Graham told reporters.

He described the driver as being “in relatively good spirits, although a bit shaken up,” adding that the driver’s efforts were crucial in ensuring the safety of others aboard the bus.

“This operator continued to operate the bus in as safe a manner as he could under the circumstances, with the police trailing him for an hour before the spike strips finally took effect,” Graham said.

He praised the city’s bus operators as “civil service heroes” for their ability to stay calm in dangerous situations.

Los Angeles Metro, the agency responsible for operating the city’s buses, also released a statement expressing relief that the driver was unharmed and thanking the LAPD for its swift response.

“Metro is providing the operator with the support he needs,” the statement read, noting that the agency would continue to cooperate with authorities as they investigate the incident.

SWAT rescues driver and passenger

The other passenger who was on board during the hijacking was safely rescued by SWAT officers and did not sustain serious injuries, police confirmed.

The suspect, whose identity has not been released, was taken into custody at the scene.

He did not require medical attention, and authorities are still determining his motive for the crime.

He faces multiple charges, including murder, hijacking, and kidnapping.

The shocking incident has sparked renewed calls for enhanced security measures across the Los Angeles Metro system.

L.A. County Supervisor Janice Hahn, who also serves as the chair of the LA Metro Board of

Directors, expressed her concern over the hijacking, calling it a “nightmare.”

Hahn urged city leaders and law enforcement officials to explore new ways of protecting the people riding on and operating public transportation.

“We need ways to prevent people from bringing weapons onto our Metro buses and trains, and the sooner we can find solutions to prevent tragedies like this, the better,” Hahn said in a statement.

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