Bad Grandma Helps Granddaughter Beat Up Elementary School Girl

2 mins read
Bad grandma
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A bad grandma conspired with her granddaughter to attack the girl’s tormentor in an elementary school bathroom.

Bad grandma participates in bathroom beat down

According to reports, a Michigan grandma snuck into McMonagle Elementary School last week, so she could help her grandspawn put a beat down on another young girl.

Last Thursday morning, the unlikely devious duo arrived at the school and were allowed in by security to attend a behavior meeting.

According to Mt. Morris Township Police Chief Michael Veach, the woman spotted the child that her granddaughter had been having issues with, and cornered the vulnerable girl in a bathroom.

That’s when the deranged granny used her very adult strength to pin the girl down while she let her young descendant wallop on her.

The incident led to the arrest of the grandmother, whose identity is being kept under wraps pending her court appearance.

Westwood Heights Schools noted in a statement that other than the unfortunate child, “no other children in the school were involved or harmed during this incident.”

The school is working with the local police department to put safeguards in place to protect the “well-being” of their students, and implementing the “necessary measures” to prevent any future security breaches.

“The safety and security of our students is our topmost concern. Our school administration is diligently implementing all necessary measures to prevent such breaches of security in the future,” the district stated.

Bad grandmas breed terrible mothers

In a similarly disturbing incident of another unhinged guardian, surveillance footage captured the violent confrontation that happened when a mother barged her way onto a school bus in Mesa, Arizona.

27-year-old Hermenegilda Marquez was recorded demanding to know if the 64-year-old bus driver had been “talkin’ s**t” to her daughter before launching a wild attack on the driver and who she attempted to drag by her hair out of the bus.

The unfortunate event took place after the bus driver dropped of a herd of children at a bus stop in a residential neighborhood and Marquez pushed past them to board the bus.

She began screaming at the bus driver, a substitute on the route, who told her to get out. Marquez did leave, but her posse of two others got on afterwards and started shouting in the driver’s face.

That’s when the mother pushed her way back onto the bus and threw a wild series of punches and slaps in the driver’s direction, going so far as to attempt to drag the school employee off of the bus by her hair.

Marquez kept going until her boyfriend dashed onto the vehicle and pulled her off, which allowed the bad mom to flee before police showed up on scene.

When the driver was interviewed, she denied knowing Marquez or her daughter, insisting she had not spoken out of turn to anyone, and the route she was driving was not her usual one.

The bus driver suffered minor injuries from the attack, including getting shocked by her pacemaker, which activated due to her physical distress.

Marquez was arrested by police following the unprovoked attack; she faces charges of aggravated assault against a school employee which is a serious felony.

Despite her highly volatile reaction to the driver, police said that Marquez showed “no emotion” when she was shown the video of the attack and told that she would be charged with a felony.

Her lack of reaction is unsurprising, as getting into fights is old hat to Marquez, who was already under unsupervised probation due to a previous domestic violence assault conviction.

At her arraignment, Marquez was ordered to steer clear of the bus stop, and her bail was set at $5,000.

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