
Man Charged With Attempted Murder For Beer Can Beat Down

2 mins read
Beer cans - attempted murder
Photo Credit: "Line of beer cans" by Hop Talk is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/?ref=openverse.

A West Virginia man was arrested and charged with attempted murder for attacking a fellow partygoer with a full beer can over the weekend.

Vicious party attack leads to attempted murder charges

27-year-old Tyler Anderson knocked a man out with a can of brew while they were at a party in Webster Springs on Friday night.

The victim fell unconscious after Anderson whacked him over the head with an unopened beer can, then “maliciously and repeatedly” kicked his head and stomped it into the ground.

When another man tried to intervene to stop the savage beating, Anderson responded by punching and kicking, which left him with “visible marks” on his face and ribs.

According to police, Anderson fled in the car of 21-year-old Bradley Rodgers, who inexplicably showed up to Webster Memorial Hospital later in the night, where the victims were treated.

The first victim was so badly beaten that had to be transported to a trauma center to deal with life-threatening injuries in the form of facial, jaw, and rib fractures, which left him unresponsive.

Rodgers reportedly was witnessed “laughing and joking at the situation” by Sheriff’s deputies, who had been called to the hospital at midnight to respond to the attack.

After identifying that Rodgers knew the suspect, he lied to them about bringing Anderson to and from the party, before finally fessing up that he was the getaway driver.

Rodgers was arrested and charged with conspiracy to inflict injury, but did not give up Anderson’s location.

Man charged with attempted murder and kidnapping after brutal night out

The 27-year-old villain was tracked down after police received a tip he had forced his way into a local apartment. Deputies executed a search warrant at the location, but did not find Anderson.

While canvasing the other apartments in the same building, they noticed that nobody was responding to their repeated knocking at one of the residences.

Deputies were able to locate the apartment owner’s mother, who said that her daughter and grandchildren lived there alone. The mother told law enforcement that she had tried to get a hold of her daughter multiple times, but all of her calls had been going straight to voicemail.

The mother insisted that the daughter “never declines her phone calls” and believed her child was “in danger or she would answer.”

That information, coupled with the tip about Anderson, was enough for police to enter the apartment under the guise of a welfare check.

When they entered the apartment, they found Anderson hiding in a bedroom, where he initially “refused to obey commands or cooperate.”

Deputies were eventually able to take the suspect into custody, then spoke to the third victim, who said Anderson threatened into remaining silent.

She told police that he threatened to kill her if she answered her mother’s calls or phoned the police. He also advised her to pretend that she was asleep when police came knocking and not answer the door for them.

As a result of his actions that night, Anderson has been charged with “attempted first degree murder, malicious wounding, conspiracy to inflict injury to persons, two counts of assault, two counts of battery, domestic assault, kidnapping and obstructing an officer.”

He is being held without bond at Central Regional Jail, where Rodgers is also in custody.

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