
Naked Home Invader Tries To Stab Cops With Huge Butcher Knife

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Butcher Knife - Home Invader
Photo Credit: "Tool" by Seniju is licensed under CC BY 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/?ref=openverse.

An unhinged home invader forced entry into an elderly woman’s residence, took off all of his clothes, and tried to stab a cop with a butcher knife, before being shot in California.

Naked home invader shot after attacking cops with butcher knife

Police released an intense video that captures the sequence of events that led to Lavell Adams’ fatal shooting by LAPD deputies on July 29.

In the early morning hours, authorities responded to frantic 911 calls from an elderly Los Angeles woman fearing for her life, after the suspect set a fire in her home and barricaded himself inside a bedroom.

According to a neighbor, Adams tried to break into his home through a window, but couldn’t get in and moved on to the elderly woman’s residence.

Upon arriving, officers noticed smoke billowing from the house and requested additional assistance from firefighters.

Footage shows firefighters telling the deputies on the scene about a knife-wielding man trapped inside a room.

In the video, the cops tried to verbally coax Adams to come out, but he did not respond.

One deputy stepped outside and tried to persuade Adams to exit through a window, while the suspect was muttering and shouting from within the house.

Police eventually broke into the locked room and instructed Adams to stand with his hands up from where he was crouched behind some furniture.

Home invader tries to stab officer with huge butcher knife

Shockingly, the suspect, who was naked at the time, sprang up with a knife in hand, attempting to stab one of the cops.

One of the officers fired non-leathal beanbag rounds at Adams, causing him to drop the knife and collapse.

The video then displays deputies, who retreated to safety outdoors, ordering Adams to come out of the house without any weapons.

At this point, the suspect emerged from a window with a blanket over his head, which he whipped off before charging at the officers.

That’s when the police fired off a barrage of bullets that stopped Adams in his tracks in the front yard, where he later died.

Police have yet to determine what Adam’s motive was for breaking into the woman’s home and barricading himself inside without clothing.

Well-mannered burglar makes a meal

In another odd incident, a Washington homeowner was perplexed by a ‘kind” burglar who broke into his home, but simply cooked spaghetti and washed the dishes he made.

An unidentified man has been roaming the gated community in Thurston County for the past week, breaking into cars and homes in the area.

Several residents have shared their strange encounters with the man, who police can’t seem to catch.

“He made spaghetti. But the funny part is, he washed his dishes,” the homeowner reported. “So he was a nice crook I guess, I don’t know … and he folded the blankets he used.”

Another man thought someone was playing a joke on him when he found a note last week that read:

“I needed food, badly. I broke into your house. Please forgive me. I ate your food and washed my clothes and showered.”

The considerate home invader also informed him that his popcorn maker was malfunctioning.

Residents upset police can’t catch pesky home invader

Others in the area are less-than amused by the series of break-ins plaguing their community.

Bethany Stirber said that the man broke into her car and took both her garage and gate key.

Since then, he has tried to get into her garage multiple times. Once she was home and managed to scare him off, but “he keeps coming back.”

She has called the police to report the man each time he has returned, but by the time they arrive, he has already fled.

The area is apparently crippled by poor cell phone reception, which seems to have exacerbated the issue.

“I caught him again on Sunday. I called 911,” Striber added. “I could hear them, but they couldn’t hear me. They didn’t arrive in time. He got away.”

A spokesperson for the Thurston County Sheriff’s Office told reporters that while focusing on patrolling the Clearwood community is possible, they don’t have the manpower to do so.

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